Now Feb. 8, 2017 - An iliac stent was placed in me on May 18, 2016, I
had an adverse reaction immediately upon placement (I was awake and
unsedated for this procedure). I was in so much pain and the surgeon
dismissed it. (I have HIGH pain tolerance and even my husband told the
nurse this is unusual for me to complain). Long story short, MRI should
no inflammation and my sedrate test was slightly elevated but not where
the doctor thought it should be, allergy testing to metals negative(BUT,
my allergist said that could be a false test and stressed 3times to get
the stent removed), but that surgeon would not listen to either of us.
As I swelled up more and more and started to learn to live in pain
AGAIN.....I finally asked for a referral to UAB vascular Department. I
was put in with Adam Beck, M.D. head of Vascular Surgery. At my initial
appointment he questioned why I was seeing him since my chief complaint
was swelling all over. "you are exactly who I need because I started to
swell after this iliac stent was placed". He said , "I am listening". I
explained BII in a few sentences and he could tell I had a lot of
knowledge on his topic. He said because my chief complaint was swelling,
he was not dismissing my theory but he has to refer me to
Endocrinology. If they say it is not my hasimotos then he would consider
the ex-plant of the iliac stent, but it is a life threatening surgery, not an easy operation. I didn't think twice, I just knew it had to come out.
you ever tried to become a new endocrinology patient??? 3-6 month
waiting. So, Doctor Beck used a favor to get me in sooner. After that
doctor agreed it was not thyroid. I was booked for the surgery.
Dec.1, 2016 was a new beginning for me again! I think sometimes things happen that need to be. After waking from surgery (I do not remember most of this from anesthesia). My husband said the post op room had many medical students coming to my curtain, not because something was wrong with me but because I was educating them all of breast implant illness. I was showing pictures and the videos of Paula Blades, Amanda Gilcrease and I on the news, The Doctor's TV Show and Animal Planets, Monster's Inside Me, which featured my story this season. The ICU did not have a bed for me for over 11 hrs, so I remained in post op and had a grand audience. (I only wish I could remember) LOL.
On day 3 of recovering, Dr. Beck came in my hospital room and he stood there with a small smirk on his face. I asked, "what?" and he stated that he could tell the swelling in my face was leaving. I asked him what he saw when he opened me up and he told me he saw exactly what I had described, a hot mess full of red inflamed tissue. My insides showed what I felt, but the MRI and Blood work stated normal. It is very sad to me that many doctor's only rely on blood work or MRI/radiology images ad not listen to their patients. I am so grateful that UAB doctor's have listened to me and witnessed for themselves that a patient knows their body better than any blood work or radiology machine. I am 7 weeks post op and definitely better than I was 2, 3 and 5 months ago.
Nice blog, The Breast Implant Removal or Replacement procedure is similar to Breast Augmentation Surgery.
ReplyDeleteHi, great article, Breast Augmentation in Dubai is a surgical procedure to enhance your breasts through the placement of breast implants under your breast tissue or chest muscles.
ReplyDeleteBreast Augmentation is a common procedure in India and Dr. Vijay Kuamr describing full details for breast implants in this video named Breast Augmentation in India. watch video for better understanding about it.
ReplyDeleteJust click on the link to watch the full procedure of the Breast Implants surgery. We provide you best and useful information about the surgery.
ReplyDeleteNot even close!
ReplyDeleteThese 2 surgeries are not even remotely close to being similar.
A typical augmentation surgery takes 30 minutes to perform.
My first ex plant surgery took 6 hours. It certainly cut into the surgeons profits!